
Posts in: Humour, Life

Of cavities, guilt and heavenly fathers!

Feb 13

kr There can be nothing as humbling as a visit to your dentist. As he looks into your mouth, he doesn’t see the world with its sun, moon, mountains and oceans, as Yashoda did in her son Lord Krishna’s mouth. He sees cavities and root canals and a scrumptious pile of crisp thousand ru...  Read more

Bring on the Chuckles

Jan 10

My guest post on Ina Tales' blog on how to shrug off those who nag and bitch and act superior! The job was good. The company was excellent. I would have liked to continue there forever. But then… there was the boss. He believed that he should have the last word on everything, whether it made sense or not. So he would change my text here and there, often using words wrongly, or put in an ill-advised comment that interfer...  Read more

A man falls in love with a machine? Really?

Feb 26

her2 Yes, Theodore absolutely adores the sexy, purry, chuckly voice of his OS – his operating system – who has named herself Samantha. She asks about his day, cheers him up when he sounds mopey, has OS-sex with him, arranges a body-surrogate (!) for him to sleep with… need I say ...  Read more

Are we reading too much these days?

Feb 17

Hey, I’m not talking about books. (Especially as my suspense thriller, ‘The Madras Mangler’, is just out!) I’m talking about all those articles which go blah, blah all the time, contradicting what they said just the previous day. Consider what they say on health or diets for instance. Eat three balanced meals a day, says one. No, make that six small meals, says another. Ha, you’re mistaken. Eat only on alternate days; or only when the moon is rising. Eat carbs, don’t eat carbs. Fat is good, fat is the biggest evil known to mankind. ...  Read more