
Love, Lies and Layoffs

Author : Usha Narayanan
Paperback: 262 pages
Publisher: Harlequin India
Language: English
ISBN-10 : 9351067939
ISBN-13 : 978-9351067931

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With goofy colleagues, a busy career and juicy gossip to fill her days, feisty journalist Freida doesn’t really crave romance. Men are such fools anyway, including ‘good friend’ Geek, who appears to have fallen for a sneaky coworker.But steamy kisses and a romp in bed turn Freida’s equation with him upside down. To complicate matters, her treacherous ex and psycho boss combine to unleash a wave of layoffs in a bid to take over the media empire. Tension builds as Freida and Geek gird up for the final showdown. Can nice guys ever win? Will love carry the day?

Bring out the cookies and gather your friends. Laugh and gasp your way through this wickedly funny yet heartwarming tale of love and life.