
University of Oklahoma: Pradyumna as suggested reading

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Overview: Narayanan. Pradyumna

Comments: This is a brand-new book, first published this summer, exploring the exciting adventures of Krishna’s own son, Pradyumna. For a quick idea about Pradyumna’s life and adventures, check out the Wikipedia page.

Title: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna
Author: Usha Narayanan
Year: 2015
I haven’t prepared a detailed Reading Guide here, but you can certainly do the readings! Let me know if you have any questions that you cannot answer at Wikipedia, etc., and I’ll try to help.

Here is how to break up the reading for your Diary posts:

Week 1
Reading A:
1 The Peacock Boat
2 Trapped
3 City of the Blue God
4 Danger
5 The Fiery Eye
6 Sons of God
Reading B:
7 Tortured
8 The Destroyer
9 Disowned
10 The Lost Child
11 Secrets Revealed
12 The Kalahapriya

Week 2
Reading A:
13 The Other Son
14 The Seduction
15 The Demon Horde
16 The Revenge
17 Adi Shakti
Reading B:
18 Arjuna of the Thousand Hands
19 The Axe of Dharma
20 Sambaditya
21 Asura Samhaara
22 The Homecoming
23 Samba in Chains

Week 3
Reading A:
24 Vir Pradyumna
25 The Parijata
26 Nandi to the Rescue
27 A Wedding and a Funeral
Reading B:
28 The Flying City
29 The Rage of God
30 The Princess of Sonitapura
31 Through the Flames

Week 4
Reading A:
32 Shiva Confronts Vishnu
33 The Chakra and the Demon
34 The Enemy Within
35 Kama Shastra
36 Kurus or Pandavas?
37 Suchimukhi
38 Prince in Hiding
Reading B:
39 The Lake of Snakes
40 The Snare
41 A Vile Killing
42 Torment
43 Cursed

Posted by Laura Gibbs

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