
“I couldn’t have said it any better!” #Review #AwakenDurga – Madhuri Maitra


I couldn’t have said it any better to my daughter than Usha in her afterword in Awaken the Durga. in this self-help book that illumines the within, the author wishes for her readers to find freedom and fulfilment in their personal and professional lives.

The collection of stories, known and lesser known, deftly translate the wisdom of our ancient scriptures into the 21st century quotidian issues that women face. Enjoining her readers to adopt the three Cs – Choose – Change – Create – Usha also shows them why they must do so.

For a woman to believe in herself, to respect and cherish herself, was always the bigger plan, which got lost in the nitty-gritty of living.

If these powerful stories, recounted in the author’s trademark engaging style, don’t propel women into reclaiming their lives, then I don’t know what will!

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