
#Kartikeya – ”Magical tale of myth & imagination” – Sahil Pradhan

Usha Narayanan spins a magical tale of myth and imagination while she recreates for modern readers the story of one of the most intriguing gods, in Kartikeya and His Battle with the Soul Stealer.

Mythology is a tricky subject and more tricky is its retelling, because if you do not know the tale properly and cannot narrate it in a gripping way then the reader will not find it interesting. However, it is just Usha’s cup of tea. The book is the story of Kartikeya told in a new poetic way. It also focuses on lesser-known characters like the demon brothers of Surapadma, Ajamukhi- sister of Surapadma, Devasena – daughter of Indra and the wife of Kartikeya, Valli- second wife of Kartikeya and finally the most beautiful animals and birds of the forest who love Kartikeya.

The best part of the book is its beauty in language. I felt that the lucid vocabulary of the author makes the book, truly a “masterpiece”. One cannot put down the book once you have started it. although the book is 300 pages long. You would need at least two days if you are a fast reader, to complete the book, for you need to understand each line along with its deep thoughts and beautiful imagery. Until the third chapter, you do not know who the real ‘Soul-Stealer’ is, and then again the suspense continues until the end when you read about Kartikeya’s battle with him and with a mysterious and dangerous plant. The author ties all the threads perfectly, and creates a perfect climax for the tale.

I have read at least three to four magnificent books on this enigmatic god- KARTIKEYA. What makes Narayanan’s retelling different from others is its depth, the addition of folk tales and stories from lesser known Puranas and other epics. She cleverly mixes myth with imagery very beautifully which is what sages like Valmiki and Vyasa and even Debroy do. Narayanan’s book will make you crave more and more from her, for her books are a delight to those who find mythology interesting. The beautiful language and emotions with which she writes is a testimony to her skill and the book promises to be a hit. This book is truly destined to be the literary find of the year.

You will read new tales like the story of Devasena and the story of Ajamukhi and even Valli–all of whom are powerful women. Another perk of the book is its philosophy. You would see a lot of beautiful ideas of philosophy hidden within the tales. The way the battles and the other scenes are explained truly captures the full attention of the reader. The ending is just mesmerizing, making the book an intriguing tour-de-force and a perfect mix of myth and romance. Each story deals with a particular rasa of love and each one has some message to impart. The author has penned down the book with such sheer perfection that I would not hesitate to call the book a “masterpiece”.

Amalgamating fiction with mythology and giving the novel a modern look, the author has done an amazing job. She has offered both sacred stories in the form of short incidents and an intriguing perspective of various characters. This is truly entertaining and insightful mythology. You read this book and can tell how much research would have gone behind it. This can be an ideal reference to a reader who wants to know about the protagonists’ journey. One will start appreciating the protagonist more after going through this work.

Overall the book is in simple words a “masterpiece”. It is a perfect tapestry of myth and imagination. imaginative. intriguing. intense. I would recommend the book to all mythology lovers and to everyone who loves fiction.

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